Тематический план
- Topic 1. Management IS
Topic 1. Management IS
1.1.Description of IS.
1.2.Requirements to IS.
1.3.Management IS Modeling.Practical component: Lab work ‘Requirements to IS in SME’
- Topic 2. Architecture management IS
Topic 2. Architecture management IS
2.1.Description of architecture management IS.
2.2.Requirements to architecture management IS.
2.3.Architecture management IS Modeling.Practical component: Lab work ‘Requirements to Enterprise Architecture Levels of IS
- Topic 3. Objectives and principles of EAM
Topic 3. Objectives and principles of EAM
3.1.The need of EAM
3.2. Enterprise architecture models
3.3. Objectives and methodologyPractical component: Lab work problem based learning ‘Business strategy of enterprise (mission, vision, goals)’
- Topic 4. An EAM stakeholders and architecture impact
Topic 4. An EAM stakeholders and architecture impact
4.1 Key blocks of successful EAM
4.2 The architecture impact
4.3 Estimation of investment efficiency in ІТ sphere
Practical component: case studies lab work ‘Incentive compatible mechanism of stakeholders’ interests to EAM project’
- Topic 5. EAM governance and organization
Topic 5. EAM governance and organization
5.1 Challenges and assessment of existing EAM activities and assets
5.2. The EA governance model
5.3. EAM organization modelsPractical component: case studies ‘Successful and failed cases of different IS implementatio n’
- Topic 6. Embedding EAM into strategic planning
Topic 6. Embedding EAM into strategic planning
6.1 Approaching EAM from a strategic perspective
6.2 Leveraging EAM for strategic planningPractical component: ‘Project work Development strategy and its indicators in EAM’.
- Topic 7. Embedding EAM into the project life cycle
Topic 7. Embedding EAM into the project life cycle
7.1 The relevance of embedding EAM in the project life cycle
7.2. Preparing EAcompliant project execution
7.3 Solution design and implementationPractical component: Lab work ‘Critical path of project for different type of enterprise architecture’.
- Topic 8. Embedding EAM into operation and monitoring
Topic 8. Embedding EAM into operation and monitoring
8.1 Managing operational changes
8.2 Monitoring the EA
8.3 Using EA documentationPractical component: Lab work ‘Monitoring of EAM using Gantt chart’.
- Topic 9. EA frameworks, modeling and tools
Topic 9. EA frameworks, modeling and tools
9.1 Frameworks, modeling, and tools
9.2 EA tools: How to find adequate software supportPractical component: Lab works ‘Business process modelling for different levels of enterprise architecture’.
- Topic 10. People, adoption and future of EAM
Topic 10. People, adoption and future of EAM
10.1 The relevance of the human dimension of EAM
10.2 Introduction of new application of EAM
10.3. The future of the EAM disciplinePractical component: Case study ‘IA and machine learning in EAM’
- Recommended Literature
Recommended Literature
• Austin Robert D, Nolan Richard L., O'Donnell Shannon: The Adventures of an IT Leader. Harvard Business Press. 2009
• Harris Michael D. S., Herron David, Iwanicki Stasia. The Business Value of IT: Managing Risks, Optimizing Performance and Measuring
Results. CRC Press, 2008
• McNurlin Barbara, Sprague Ralph, Bui Tung. Information Systems Management, 8/E. Prentice Hall, 2009
• BERNROIDER, Edward W.N., SUDZINA, Frantisek, PUCIHAR, Andreja. Contrasting ERP absorption between transition and developed
economies from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Inf.syst. manage., 2011, vol. 28, iss. 3, str. 240-257, doi: 10.1080/10580530.2011.585581.
• PUCIHAR, Andreja, LENART, Gregor, SUDZINA, Frantisek. ERP system selection criteria: SMEs' perceptions. V: BHARATI, Pratyush (ur.),
LEE, In (ur.), CHAUDHURY, Abhijit (ur.). Global perspectives on small and medium enterprises and strategic information systems:
international approaches, (Premier reference source). Hershey; New York: Business Science Reference: IGI Global, cop. 2010, str. 57-80,
tabele, doi: 10.4018/978-1-61520-627-8.ch004.
• SUDZINA, Frantisek, PUCIHAR, Andreja, LENART, Gregor. Actual vs. planned ERP system implementation costs in Slovak and Slovenian
companies. V: D'ATRI, Alessandro (ur.), SACCÀ,Domenico (ur.). Information systems: people, organizations, institutions, and technologies.
Heidelberg:Physica, 2010, str. 477-484, ilustr.
• PUCIHAR, Andreja, LENART, Gregor, SUDZINA, Frantisek. ERP system selection criteria: the case of companies in Slovenia. V: CRUZCUNHA,
Maria Manuela (ur.), VARAJAO, Joao (ur.). Enterprise information systems design, implementation and management: organizational
applications, (Premier reference source). Hershey; New York: Business Science Reference: IGI Global, cop. 2011, str.319-340, ilustr., tabele,
doi: 10.4018/978-1-61692-020-3.ch020.
• “FEAC™ Institute - Federated Enterprise Architecture Certification Institute.”, http://www.feacinstitute.org/ [accessed on 19.06.2011]
• B. Mueller, G. Viering, C. Legner, G. Riempp, “Understanding the Economic Potential of Service-Oriented Architectures”, Journal of
Management Information Systems, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 147-182, 2010.
• Enterprise Architecture Executive Council, “EA Governance Models: Guiding IT Investment and Project Decisions for Business Impact,”
Corporate Executive Board, 2008.
• Enterprise Architecture Executive Council, “State of the EA Function – EA Priorities, Activities, Metrics, and Organizational Models,”
Corporate Executive Board, 2005.
• J. W. Ross, P. Weill, and D. C. Robertson, Enterprise Architecture as Strategy. Creating a Foundation for Business Execution. Boston, MA,
USA: Harvard Business School Press, 2006.
• Betz, C., Architecture and Patterns for IT Service Management, Resource Planning, and Governance. Making Shoes for the Cobbler’s Children,
Waltham, Massachusetts, USA: Morgan Kaufman Publ Inc., 2006
• Bucher, T.; Fischer, R.; Kurpjuweit, S.; Winter, R., Enterprise Architecture Analysis and Application – An Exploratory Study, to appear in:
Proceedings of the EDOC Workshop on Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research, Hongkong, 2006
• ISO 15704:2000 “Industrial automation systems - Requirements for enterprise-reference
architectures and methodologies (IDT)”
• IEEE Std 1471: 2000 “Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software-Intensive Systems“
• Zachman, J.A., "A Framework for Information Systems Architecture". IBM Systems Journal, 26(3): pp. 276-292, 1987.
• Marc Lankhorst et al. Enterprise Architecture at Work Modelling, Communication and Analysis Second Edition. Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg, 2009. – 359 p.
• Mathias Weske, Business Process Management, Concepts, Languages, Architectures. 2007; Springer.
• Roger Sessions, A Comparison of the Top Four Enterprise Architecture Methodologies. 2007; ObjectWatch, Inc.
• The Open Group, TOGAF, Pocket Guide. 2009b; The Open Group