Topic outline


    This course is aimed at anyone involved - either directly or indirectly - in systems development who wishes to gain an understanding of a broad range of systems development approaches and the tools and techniques used in the development of software solutions.

  • Тема 2. Бізнес-аналіз вимог до інформаційних систем

    Topic 2. Business analysis of IS Requirements

    Learning Objectives

    • Business and User Requirements
    • Requirements planning and management
    • Requirements elicitation (techniques for collecting requirements)
    • Requirements analysis and documentation
    • Requirements communication

    Theoretical component

    • Identify business needs of organization;
    • Analyze and specify requirements for IT artifacts through study and documentation of the whole or of part of some form of domain activities (e.g., work unit, work team, process, organization, market, society setting) in terms of the actions they involve and the information they deal with;
    • Select appropriate data collection methods and techniques for the investigation of domain activities.
    • Involve stakeholders in the investigation process, leading to a shared understanding of the domain activities;
    • Ensure that stakeholders have a shared understanding of the requirements and how they will be implemented;

  • Тема 3. Аналіз інформаційних систем

    Topic 3. IS Analysis

    Learning Objectives

    • Analyze requirements and specify software and systems;
    • Identify multiple alternatives for systems design and implementation based on requirements and the systems development approach;
    • Select the most appropriate systems design and implementation approach in a specific organizational and system context;
    • Search for suitable solutions and vendors

    Theoretical component

    • IS Analysis basics
    • IS Analysis Methods
    • IS Analysis Goals
    • IS Structured Analysis and Tools

  • Тема 4. Методи розробки інформаційних систем

    Topic 4. IS Development Methods

    Learning Objectives

    • Use a modern application development environment to produce an IS artifact based on relevant design documentation.
    • Select a development approach appropriate to the characteristics of the IS application under consideration and to the existing resources and development team and conditions.

    Theoretical component

    • Data-Driven Methodology
    • Data Architectures
    • Prototyping
    • Business Information System Generators

  • Тема 5. Конструювання інформаційних систем

    Topic 5. IS Design

    Learning Objectives

    • Identify multiple alternatives for systems design and implementation based on requirements and the systems development approach.
    • Design the architecture and the components of IS artifacts.

    Theoretical component

    • Design Concepts & Considerations
    • Modelling languages
    • Design patterns

  • Тема 6. Сучасні підходи до розробки інформаційних систем

    Topic 6. Modern IS Development Approach

    Learning Objectives

    • Implementing a systems solution using a modern programming language
    • Use a modern application development environment to produce an IS artifact based on relevant design documentation.
    • Plan development work  according to the principles and guidelines of the selected development approach.
    • Document the implemented product for later reference and maintenance

    Theoretical component

    • Usage of development methodologies on practice.
    • Choose of appropriate environment, platform and technologies for IS Development.
    • Technical documentation

  • Тема 7. Використання рішень виробників інформаційних систем

    Topic 7. Usage of Vendor Solutions

    Learning Objective

    Acquiring IS applications from the market, search for suitable solutions and vendors, assess and select solutions and the way they are provided (licensing, SaaS, etc.), managing external systems development resources.

    Theoretical component

    Acquiring IS Applications from the Market, software license policies and procedures, management of external systems development resources

  • Тема 8. DevOps концепція в інформаційних системах

    Topic 8. DevOps concepts in the IS Development Process

    Learning Objective

     Apply key DevOps concepts to integrate between development and operations and determine when they are relevant for application in a specific domain; 

    Apply DevOps effectively.

    Theoretical component

    DevOps overview, how DevOps differ from Agile, principles of DevOps, challenges for Development and Operations Team

  • Тема 9. Основи забезпечення якості

    Topic 9. Quality Assurance Fundamentals

    Learning Objectives

    • Perform acceptance testing of the application.
    • Carry out various tests (unit, integration, migration) of new software, new software modules.

    Theoretical component

    • Testing methods:
    •     White-box testing

      • Black-box Testing.
      • Overview of Testing levels.
    •    Unit tests
    •    Acceptance(Integration) tests
    •    Migration tests
    • Automated and Manual testing
    • Testing Artefacts

  • Тема 10. Тестування в інформаційних системах

    Topic 10. Testing process in IS

    Learning Objectives

    • Perform acceptance testing of the application.
    • Carry out various tests (unit, integration, migration) of new software, new software modules.

    Theoretical component

    • Types of testing methodologies (TDD, BDD)
    • Testing process in Waterfall and Agile development processes

  • Тема 11. Серверна інфраструктура

    Topic 11. Server Infrastructure

    Learning Objectives

    • Designing data communication networks and data center and server solution
    • Select an appropriate design approach for local area and wide-area networks in a specific organizational situation.
    • Select appropriate server architecture for the purposes of the domain.
    • Design the characteristics of a network and data center solution based on the needs of the domain.

    Theoretical component

    • Physical hosting
    • Cloud hosting and customer’s facilities
    • Availability, load balancing, etc.

    • Тема 12. Розгортання та постачання

      Topic 12. Delivery and Deployment

      Learning Objectives

      • Apply key DevOps concepts to integrate between development and operations and determine when they are relevant for application in a specific domain.
      • Install the application onto a computing platform.
      • Configure the application so it fits with the supporting computing platform and with other applications with which it must interact.
      • Configure the application so it fits to the organizational environment.
      • Plan and carry out tests to installation and configuration.

      Theoretical component

      • IS system isolation and stability principles
      • IS images and snapshots
      • Virtual machines and containers
      • Continuous integration and delivery

      • Тема 13. Міграція в інформаціних системах

        Topic 13. Migration in IS

        Learning Objectives
        Migrate information stored in pre-existing applications to the new application

        Theoretical component

        • Migration of existing infrastructure
        • Data migration

        • Тема 14. Підтримка та обслуговування інформаційних систем

          Topic 14. IS Support and Maintenance

          Learning Objectives

          • Managing IT facilities sustainably. Plan and manage IT physical facilities, including conducting environmental monitoring for adverse effects and adhering to health and safety standards at work.
          • Monitoring the technology environment
          • Identify and evaluate sources of information regarding emerging methods and technologies.
          • Identify domain advantages associated with specific emerging methods or technologies.
          • Identify domain concerns associated with specific emerging methods or technologies.
          • Optimizing infrastructure utilization
          • Select appropriate technologies to ensure effective use of server capacity.
          • Implement a solution and monitor its performance.

          Theoretical component

          • Importance of timely maintenance
          • On-site support and consultancy
          • Backup and recovery of IS

        • Тема 15. Моніторінг, журналювання та повідомлення і інформаційних системах

          Topic 15. Monitoring, Logging and Alerts of IS

          Learning Objectives

          • Monitoring system operations
          • Monitor and track system operations in order to ensure smoothness and continuity while avoiding and reducing interruptions and incidents.
          • Track system performance, monitor security, and analyze user behavior.
          • Assess the running conditions of the IT system within an organization and take appropriate actions when unexpected events occur.
          • Monitor the usage of the new application

          Theoretical component

          • Purpose of Monitoring of IS resources
          • Mechanism of Logging and Monitoring of IS
          • Implementation of Alerts in IS

          • Комп'ютерний практикум

            Методичні вказівки щодо виконання комп’ютерного практикуму з дисципліни «Методологія і технології побудови інформаційних систем» для студентів за напрямом підготовки 126 Інформаційні системи та технології спеціалізації «Інформаційні управляючі системи та технології» освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня магістр, за денною формою навчання складена відповідно до  програми навчальної дисципліни «Методологія і технології побудови інформаційних систем» / Укладач В.М. Томашевський



            1.                   Pete Thompson, Debra Paul, Alan Paul, Lynda Girvan, Julian Cox, Tahir Ahmed, James Cadle. Developing Information Systems: Practical guidance for IT professional. Publisher: BCS Learning & Development Limited. 2014

            2.                   Pokorny J., Repa V., Richta K., Wojtkowski W., Linger H., Barry C., Lang M. Information Systems Development. Business Systems and Services: Modeling and Development 2011

            3.                   Avison, D. and Fitzgerald, G. Information systems development. Methodologies, techniques & tools. 2006

            4.                   Yanbo Han, Stefan Tai, Dietmar Wikarski. Engineering and Deployment of Cooperative Information Systems. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 2002

            5.                   Wita Wojtkowski, Gregory Wojtkowski, Michael Lang, Kieran Conboy, Chris Barry. Information Systems Development. Challenges in Practice, Theory, and Education Volume 1. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC , 2009

            6.                   Magda Huisman, Juhani Iivari. Information Systems Development. Advances in Methodologies, Components, and Management. Springer US. 2002

            7.                   Roshen, W., SOA-Based Enterprise Integration: A Step-by-Step Guide to Services-based Application, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 2010.

            8.                   William Wei Song, Shenghua Xu, Changxuan Wan, Yuansheng Zhong, Wita Wojtkowski, Gregory Wojtkowski, Henry Linger. Information Systems Development. Springer Science & Business Media, 2010 р.-576 стор.

            9.                   Olegas Vasilecas, Albertas Caplinskas, Gregory Wojtkowski, Wita Wojtkowski, Jože Zupancic, Stanislaw Wrycza. Information Systems Development: Advances in Theory, Practice, and Education. Springer Science & Business Media,2005 р 544

            10.               Lampathaki F., Koussouris S., Psarras J. BUSINESS PROCESS MODELLING. Business Process Reengineering .  Decision Support Systems Laboratory  NTUA, 2013, p.89


            1.          Милехина О. В., Захарова Е. Я.Титова В. А. Информационные системы : теоретические предпосылки к построению: учебное пособие. – M:  НГТУ, 2014, c. 283

            2.          Грекул В., Денищенко Г., Коровкина Н.Управление внедрением информационных систем. – М:  Бином. Лаборатория знаний. 2014. С.224

            3.          Brian E. Nesbitt. Integration and Deployment Techniques in Combination with Development Methodologies. Regis University. 2009

            4.          Олейник, П.П. Корпоративные информационные системы. Учебник для вузов. / П.П. Олейник, С.П. Олейник. - СПб.: Питер, 2012. - 176 c